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AWS project

 Capstone Project

If you want any support pay some money.  I will complete your project.

For more details contact in Whatsapp +91 9701724424
Even other labs also we can do

Task1: Create a MySql RDS database instance

Step1:      Create Subnet Groups

RDS   -->  Choose Subnet Groups

Subnet Group Details
Name- Example-DB-subnet
Description- Example-DB-subnet
VPC-Select Example VPC
Add Subnet
AZ- Select us-east-1a    (private subnet 1) us-east-1b1b (private subnet 2)
Subnet-Select    Private subnet1  (  Private subnet2   (

Step2:   Create Database
Navigate RDS Service in aws and create db instance
RDS   -->  Database  -->  Create Database

Create database:
Choose a database creation method-    Standard create
Engine options- Select  MySQL
Templates- Dev/Test
Availability and durability-Choose Multi-AZ DB instance
DB instance identifier-  Example
Credentials Settings:
Master username-           admin
Master password-           password
Confirm password-         password
Instance Configuration:
DB instance class-Choose     Burstable classes (includes t classes)-t3.micro

Virtual private cloud (VPC)-Select Example VPC
VPC Security Group-   Example-DB

Database options
Initial database name-  exampledb
Backup-   uncheck it
Monitoring -   Disable monitoring

Then click create database

Task2: Create Cloud9 Environment

Navigate cloud9 

Create clould environment

Step 1
Name environment
Name-     capstone project
Step 2
Network settings (advanced)
Network (VPC)-Select    Example VPC

Subnet-Select  Public Subnet2
then click Next

Step 3
Review -Create Environment

Task3:Install a LAMP web server on Amazon Linux2 on cloud9 instance

Step 1: Prepare the LAMP server

sudo yum update -y
sudo amazon-linux-extras install -y lamp-mariadb10.2-php7.2 php7.2
sudo yum install -y httpd mariadb-server
sudo systemctl start httpd
sudo systemctl enable httpd
sudo systemctl is-enabled httpd

Step2-Download the project assets(copy from link from the capstone project)

-->enter command in cloud9:

wget https://aws-tc-largeobjects.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/ILT-TF-200-ACACAD-20-EN/capstone-project/Example.zip

Then Come back to Cloud9 services and Unzip the php downloaded file by using 
        mkdir Example
sudo unzip Example.zip -d Example/
sudo cp Example/* /var/www/html/ 

Open the Amazon EC2 console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/ec2/

Check public IP of Cloud9 EC2 instance and paste into new tab(Now Webpage is not showing)


Choose Instances and select your instance.(Cloud9 created Instance-Start with aws-cloud9)

On the Security tab, view the inbound rules. Add HTTP protocol with then again refresh your webpage it will shows the webpage

Task4:Import the Databse into the database

//Download Database:

wget https://aws-tc-largeobjects.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/ILT-TF-200-ACACAD-20-EN/capstone-project/Countrydatadump.sql

Again go to RDS dash board now your database instance is created(avilable)

and Copy the endpoint of DB

Go to Cloud9 service to access the machine

Database file is download successfully

Go to Security Group and select Example-DB and add inbound rule for MYSQL/Aurora and source to cloud9 instance then only we can able to import the database

then come back cloud9 instance

Import the file:

mysql -u admin -p exampledb --host <rds-endpoint> < Countrydatadump.sql

It asks password then give password(copy password from master password) then hit enter

Verify once again database is attached or not by using following command

mysql -u admin -p --host <endpoint> 

MySQL [(none)]>  use exampledb;
MySQL [exampledb]> show tables;
MySQL [exampledb]> select*from countrydata_final;
MySQL [exampledb]> exit;

Task5:Configure Parameter values in AWS systems manager

Navigate to AWS systems manager and create parameter for following values

/example/endpoint   <rds-endpoint>
/example/username  admin
/example/password   password
/example/database   exampledb

Step2:Modify IAM role to cloud9 instance

Go to cloud9 EC2 instance and attach IAM role-  Inventory-App-Role
then refresh the web page again
Now you can access the database successfully.

Task6:Create AMI for Autoscaling(Cloud9 instance)

In this step we take an AMI on cloud9 instance

select cloud9 instance   -->   actions-->i   mages and templates-->   create image
Image Name-   CapstoneProjectAMI
Description-    AMI for CapstoneProject
Then create Image.
It will takes few minutes.

Task7-Create Load Balancer

Create Load Balancer

Go to EC2 console and select Load Balancer in new tab
Select Create Load Balancer
Select Application Load Balancer
Load balancer name-       CapstoneProject-LB
Network mapping
VPC-Select        Example VPC
Mappings-Select both us-east-1a below subnet choose Public subnet1  & us-east-1b below subnet choose Public subnet2

Security groups
Security groups-Select   ALBSG security group

Listeners and routing
Default action-Create Load Balancer

Create Target Group:
Step 1
Specify group details:
Choose a target type-instance
Target group name-   CapstoneProject-TG
VPC-Ensure Example VPC is selected then click next
Step 2
Register targets:
2 avilable Target is there so click create target Group(Don't select instances)

Come back to Load balance and refresh this Listener and routing,now we can see created target group name and select it.

Select CapstoneProject-TG
Then Click create Load Balancer

Copy the DNS Name

Task8-Create AutoScaling

EC2 management console under Auto Scaling choose Auto Scaling Groups in new tab

Create Auto Scaling group
Step 1
Choose launch template or configuration
Auto Scaling group name-   praveen-ASG
Launch template 
Launch template-Choose Example-LT then modify the template
Change the AMI ID just now we created as CpstoneProjectAMI

Select Example-LT go to details   -->  Actions  -->  Modify Templates

Scroll down and on Launch Templates Contents choose our CapstoneProjectAMI ID then create it.

Ensure the CapstoneProjectAMI ID is changed in out template then click next

Step 2
Choose instance launch options
VPC-Select Example VPC
Availability Zones and subnets-Select Private subnet1 & Private subnet2 then click next

Step 3 
Configure advanced options
Load balancing - optional-Select Attach to an existing load balancer

Attach to an existing load balancer
Existing load balancer target groups-Select CapstoneProject-LB
Health checks - Select ELB(check mark) then click next

Step 4 
Configure group size and scaling policies

Group size -Increase the group size like below
Desired capacity
Minimum capacity
Maximum capacity

Then click Next

Step 5
Add notifications

Then click Next

Step 6
Add tags
Add name tag and value as praveen-CapstoneProject and click next

Step 7
Review  then click Create Auto Scaling group
wait for 5 minutes

Task9:Check the ouput by using load balancer DNS name

final step-1:
edit subnet groups of auto scalling  to public subnet-1 and public subnet-2.
then stop instances with name Nminds.

wait for 5-10 minutes .

keep refresh several times.

Go to Load balancer and copy that DNS name and paste it into new tab.

And check website and database are connected or not.

If you want any support pay ₹10/-  I will complete your project

For more details contact in Whatsapp +91 9701724424
Even other labs also we can do

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